
Daily Screenings Roll-Out – Counties

November 2017 will see the roll out of the daily screenings in 8 locations in Makueni and Kajiado, with the training of an additional 150 CHWs for the same. Facilities in Makueni include- Ilatu, Syumile, Kaunguni and Kamboo while facilities in Kajiado include- Entarara, Kimana, Rombo and Namelock. There will also be mass screenings at …

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New Partnership with Broadway Bread

We are happy to announce our newest partnership with Broadway Bread as we move forward to celebrate World Diabetes Day. The partnership took off with diabetes and hypertension screenings at workplaces in Thika on 14/11/2017 and at Sarit Centre Nairobi on 15/11/2017. Over the two days we screened close to 1000 people with roughly 60% …

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On 23rd September 2017, PANAHF held a screening camp at the PCEA Githima Church in Dagoretti. Ver two hundred patients were screened by our team over six hours. All the cases that were picked up have been contacted with follow ups being scheduled.

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